Technical Java Engineer

Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
Full Time
PalmPay is a pan-African fintech company currently operating in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania and expanding to other markets this year. We are reinventing the payments experience by making it easy and reliable for everyone to transfer money, pay bills and shop online.

  • Responsible for troubleshooting, answering questions, and quickly resolving technical issues related to local merchant business.
  • Participate in the research and development implementation of requirements for the merchant ERP and onboarding system.
  • Assist local and Chinese product research and development teams in participating in existing product feature enhancements, iterations, and technical upgrades.

  • Solid foundation in Java, familiar with JVM, including memory model, class loading mechanism, and performance optimization.
  • Proficient in multithreading programming, familiar with distributed service development, caching, and message queues.
  • Familiar with at least one relational database, understanding of search engines such as Elastic search (ES).
  • Have a certain business mindset, master the use and troubleshooting abilities of full-link log systems.
  • Passionate about technology, enjoy research, able to quickly grasp new technologies, and maintain close attention to the latest developments in the industry.
  • Good communication and teamwork skills, with strong innovation awareness and business sensitivity.
  • Proactive, strong problem-solving ability, able to provide optimal system solutions according to different scenarios.
  • Prior knowledge or appreciation of Chinese culture or proficiency in the Chinese language is preferred, able to communicate efficiently with Chinese teams.

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